Welcome, Park Rogers Park Families
A note from Madeleine Hutchens, Children’s and Youth Coordinator
Hi! At Park RP Kids I am known as ‘Miss Maddy’ and it has been my joy to lead our awesome team for 2 years now. I was born in England but Chicago has been home since 2018. I have the privilege of partnering with parents in the most important job they have; discipling their kids.
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
The vision of Park RP Kids is to raise up disciples who step into adulthood with a clarity and conviction on what they believe, why they believe it and how they live it out.
We do this by cultivating a fun environment in which the children at Park RP receive teaching from God’s word and also experience the genuine faith of our team members walking alongside and taking an interest in them. We aim to model and pursue Jesus, and prayerfully encourage our kids to do likewise.
If you are new or have any questions, I would love to connect with you over tea or coffee!
We do this by cultivating a fun environment in which the children at Park RP receive teaching from God’s word and also experience the genuine faith of our team members walking alongside and taking an interest in them. We aim to model and pursue Jesus, and prayerfully encourage our kids to do likewise.
If you are new or have any questions, I would love to connect with you over tea or coffee!
What to expect at Park RP Kids on Sunday Mornings?

Families are welcomed to register their kids at the Check in desk before service begins at 10 AM. We then worship in the auditorium as a full church family before the kids are lead to the classrooms by the team leaders.
Our sessions are structured the same each week and include some time for free play, large group teaching, small group teaching/activities and snacks. We are currently following the Gospel project curriculum and love to encourage our kids in scripture memorization, giving out prizes in each Unit!
Please note all our team members go through our application process and background check before serving our families.
Our sessions are structured the same each week and include some time for free play, large group teaching, small group teaching/activities and snacks. We are currently following the Gospel project curriculum and love to encourage our kids in scripture memorization, giving out prizes in each Unit!
Please note all our team members go through our application process and background check before serving our families.

Youth @ Park RP
At Park RP our middle schoolers gather twice a month on Sundays during service with our team leads who love to invest in building relationships with them and guiding them through God’s Word.
We also host monthly gatherings with Youth from the other Northside Park churches on the final Saturday evening of each month. Here students have an opportunity to serve, grow, and engage their faith by inviting their school friends. Check out the RP events page for times and locations.
We also host monthly gatherings with Youth from the other Northside Park churches on the final Saturday evening of each month. Here students have an opportunity to serve, grow, and engage their faith by inviting their school friends. Check out the RP events page for times and locations.