RP-Weekly, May 10th


Good Morning Park-RP!

Last Sunday morning at our RP-Leaders gathering we briefly looked at Psalm 126v2.

“It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep.” (Psalm 127:2, ESV)

This simple verse has been a great reminder to me over the past few weeks of the life of hope and quiet faithfulness we are being drawn into as imitators of Christ and his ways.

Living with a sense of inner frenzy and hurry can quickly crowd out the peace and rest that Christ has secured for us in the Gospel. I hope this week has been one where you have been reminded that it is you who are the beloved, and God gives to his beloved the free gift of rest - rest for your body, and rest for your soul.

This Sunday we’ll be looking at Luke 9:51-62, where we are reminded that we, just like the disciples, have particular expectations and hopes for the journey ahead. The disciples were expectant the road to Jerusalem was a road to success, not a road to rejection. How do we as Christ’s followers anticipate and prepare ourselves to navigate feelings of rejection? That’s what we’ll be considering this Sunday.

This Sunday is also Mother’s Day - a day that is filled with much joy and celebration as we remember the mothers and mother figures in our lives who have loved and cheered us on. It’s also a day when many struggle because of loss, grief, and disappointment. Jesus is present with each of us amidst the particular circumstances of our lives - let’s be imitators of him through our sensitivity, openness to listen, and intentionality to love one another well this Sunday.

Join us for 9am prayer in the Library as we lift up our community, that Christ may be glorified!

"Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." - Matthew 5:17

Much love,


This Thursday John and myself got to go to Sullivan to spend time with the teachers, share some cakes and pies along with a card from the church, during Teachers Appreciation week!

Pastor John has done such a great job of consistently showing up to love Sullivan and its staff well - when you see him take a minute to say 'thank you'! 


Serving at Park-RP

When you join a serving team, you're not just volunteering; you're becoming an integral part of our church family. It's where friendships begin, where commitment is strengthened, and where you will truly start to feel like you belong.

Giving at Park-RP

We believe that giving is an act of worship. It recognizes God as the owner and source of all we have. It is our cheerful response to God in praise of His radical generosity towards us.

Neighborhood Partners

Collaboration allows us to leverage our strengths, compensate for our weaknesses, and reach areas and demographics of our city that might otherwise remain untouched.

Ministry Calendar


Children's Ministry Update

Gospel Project Unit 28 (Jesus is Alive) Description: Jesus’ resurrection was no secret. For 40 days, Jesus appeared to His disciples and hundreds of others so that they would know He is alive forevermore. Jesus wants everyone to know Him, trust Him, and live for Him.

SESSION 1 (4/7): Jesus Appeared to the Disciples (Luke 24)
SESSION 2 (4/14): Jesus Appeared to Thomas (John 20)
SESSION 3 (4/21): Jesus Forgave Peter (John 21)
SESSION 4 (4/28): God Wants Us to Know Him (Matthew 28)Memory Verse: John 17:3

Note, in May we will be transitioning to Brite Curriculum. This is an exciting change that will provide new materials for families to follow along throughout the week so please do keep your eyes peeled for that!

Events/ Outreach:
* April is Global Awareness month across all the Park locations so each week we will be integrating a Global slot into our kids ministry time. This will include videos from some of our Global partner kids, which we hope will encourage and inspire our Kids!

If you have recently joined our church or have a new child please register them here.

Maddy Hutchens

Pre-Service Prayer

Join us every Sunday 9:00am in the Nursery to lift up our worship service and the happenings of Park Rogers Park up to the Lord.