RP - Weekly, October 18th

Church Family,

Last Sunday, through looking at the disciples request that Jesus teach them to pray (Luke 11:1-13), we were reminded that God's heart towards his children is that of a loving Heavenly Father, who weighs his response to our prayers with wisdom based upon his commitment to our good and flourishing. So that, when we commit our lives to following Christ we can be assured that every 'no' we experience in life is down stream from a deeper and richer 'yes!' that we find in the Gospel.

There are two rhythms of prayer that we invite each of you to be a part of:

1. Every Sunday at '9am Prayer' we gather for prayer in the Library at Sullivan - this is a sweet time of entering into God's presence prior to our main service to center our hearts on Christ. We believe this simple time of prayer is a cornerstone of our Sunday Gathering as we express our dependance on God and invite him to work in our lives. If you want to commit to a more intentional rythm of praying with other Christians this is a great place to start! 

2. During the closing Worship Songs every Sunday our Deacons stand at the two front corners of the auditorium as an invitation to receive prayer - whether you have a had significant life event that you would like covered in prayer, or you would like prayer in response to the sermon, or you simply want to take this time be encouraged in your walk with Christ  - we invite you to come forward and take this step of faith to receive prayer.


  • Final 'Neighborhood Trunk or Treat' Prayer Walk/Invite Distribution - Monday, Oct 21st - 5:30pm
  • Neighborhood Trunk or Treat - Saturday, Oct 26th - 4:00pm-6:00pm
  • Child Dedication Class - Monday, Oct 28th - 8:00pm
  • Newcomers Lunch - After-Service, Nov 3rd
  • Membership Class - After-Service, Nov 10th
  • A NIGHT OF WORSHIP - Nov 15th, 7:30pm

If you haven't registered yet to host a trunk at our annual 'NEIGHBORHOOD TRUNK OR TREAT' on October 26th - REGISTER HERE! - Get those final invitations to your neighbors! 

Much love, Church!


Phil Adams 


Serving at Park-RP

When you join a serving team, you're not just volunteering; you're becoming an integral part of our church family. It's where friendships begin, where commitment is strengthened, and where you will truly start to feel like you belong.

Giving at Park-RP

We believe that giving is an act of worship. It recognizes God as the owner and source of all we have. It is our cheerful response to God in praise of His radical generosity towards us.

Neighborhood Partners

Collaboration allows us to leverage our strengths, compensate for our weaknesses, and reach areas and demographics of our city that might otherwise remain untouched.

Ministry Calendar


Children's Ministry Update

** Our All Family service changed to October 6th , 2024 **

RP Kids September Plan and Curriculum:  (For the family resource to follow along at home, click here)

Monthly Memory Verse: The Lord is good to all, and His mercy is over all that He has made. (Psalm 145:9)

SESSION 1 (9/1): Creation (Genesis 1)
SESSION 2 (9/8):  God's First People (Genesis 3-4)
SESSION 3 (9/15): Noah (Genesis 6:1-9:17)
** Elementary kids stay in service **
SESSION 4 (9/22): Abraham (Genesis 17)
SESSION 5 (9/29): Jacob and Esau (Genesis 25:24-34; 27-28)

Maddy Hutchens

Pre-Service Prayer

Join us every Sunday 9:00am in the Nursery to lift up our worship service and the happenings of Park Rogers Park up to the Lord.