RP - Weekly, September 15th
on September 13th, 2024
A NOTE FROM PHIL Church Family,This Sunday we'll continue in our current sermon series 'Courageous Convictions' reminding ourselves of the great purpose into which Christ has called us to 'Seek First the Kingdom' - it's be a great reminder to my soul of God's heart of provision and care for his people. We'll also be hearing from a number of Small Group leaders - and gathering for a 'Tailgate Theme...  Read More
RP - Weekly, September 6th
on September 6th, 2024
A NOTE FROM PHIL Park-RP,This Sunday we will begin a four-week sermon series entitled 'COURAGEOUS CONVICTIONS.'In 1  Corinthians 13:16, the Apostle Paul writes 'stand firm in the faith; be courageous', and so over the coming weeks we will be teaching through a number of passages in Scripture, for the sake of calling one another to greater courage and faithfulness in our upholding of a number of bi...  Read More
RP - Weekly, August 30th
on August 30th, 2024
A NOTE FROM PHIL Happy Friday, RP!This Sunday we will be closing out our final message in the 'Minor Prophets' as look at the book of Malachi. The final book in the Old Testament. It's a book that calls us back from our our unbelief in God's love for us.We will be asking, 'What makes us question the sincerity of God's love?' - When we are not resting in God's love over us, as his 'chosen people, h...  Read More
RP - Weekly, August 23rd
on August 23rd, 2024
A NOTE FROM PHIL Hey Church Family!!This Summer we didn't want to miss the opportunity to be a church present and visible in our community through our rhythms of outreach - and as the season comes to a close, by God's grace, the stories of God's commitment to work through his people are surfacing.We are seeing colleagues join our Sunday gatherings, children enter a church for the very first time i...  Read More
RP - Weekly, August 9th
on August 9th, 2024
A NOTE FROM PHIL Happy Friday, RP!Every week now we are getting closer to the end of the Summer months and our rhythms of outreach and presence in the neighborhood! The accumulative effect of 'Soccer Camp', 'Night Church', 'Baptisms at Montrose', 'Park in the Park', 'Shalom North Side' gets we excited to think of all the gospel seeds sown - words offered of encouragement, welcome, prayer; and invi...  Read More
RP - Weekly, August 2nd
on August 2nd, 2024
A NOTE FROM PHIL Park-RP,Big thank you to all of the coaches, parents, kids and everyone who served to make 'Soccer Camp' a big success this year! Everyone serving together created an incredible platform for our church to love and engage the families of our neighborhood - and share of the love of Christ each week. Let's continue to pray for the big and small conversations that were had! Today, I'...  Read More
RP - Weekly, July 26th
on July 26th, 2024
A NOTE FROM PHIL Church Family, what a joy gather last Sunday for the Baptisms of Hailey, Andrew, Mo, Vivianna, Norah and Micah + dozens more from across Park! This Sunday we'll be back at Sullivan High School for our 10am worship gathering where we will come before God's word together to hear from the Minor Prophet, Habakkuk - where we see the early development of 'faith' as a hallmark of righteo...  Read More
Park-RP End of Budget Year 2023/24 Update
on July 26th, 2024
Park-RP End of Budget Year 2023/24 Update Park-RP,  In Philippians 4:8, the Apostle Paul writes, “if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”In this verse, Paul is not imploring us to blindly praise God without consideration, but rather to devote our thought lives to the habit of regularly bringing to mind the very considerations that make Him worthy of our praise.And, as a C...  Read More
RP - Weekly, July 19th -- SEE YOU AT THE BEACH --
on July 19th, 2024
A NOTE FROM PHIL Good Morning RP!This Sunday is our 'Summer Celebration + Baptisms' at Montrose Beach at 10am!! Jesus said, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirt,..." - and so that's what we're going to do!!This Sunday we have the joy to not only celebrate the baptisms of Hailey Parr, Andrew Sinclair, Mo Byrd, Vi...  Read More
RP - Weekly, July 12th
on July 12th, 2024
If you were able to join us this Wednesday past we had a fantastic kick-off to Soccer Camp!! 109 Kids Pre-Registered + many more showing up on the night to register! (See pics below!) What a gift to be able to introduce ourselves to so many neighbors! I've been reminded this Summer of how the Lord uses and empowers the simplest of offerings, when we take a step of courage for his fame and glory - whether the simplest of invitations, the simplest word of encouragement, the simplest testimony of God's work in our lives - God is honored through it all! Take courage, Church!   Read More
RP - Weekly, July 5th
on July 5th, 2024
A NOTE FROM MADDY Hi RP Family,We are 5 days away from Soccer Camp kicking off on July 10th. Woop Woop! We are delighted to have 90 kids registered and joining us for week 1! It is exciting that our registration form shows that 25% of these kids are our Hindi speaking neighbors and 20% Spanish speaking. What a great opportunity we have to welcome them into our church family and experience the love...  Read More
RP-Weekly, June 28th
on June 28th, 2024
Hi RP Family - Here is my last RP Weekly to you, I'm not saying goodbye by any means, as we are still part of the same church family, Rather, God is continuing his work of sending his people out, whether across the neighborhood, across the city, or across the world. And so, first, I want to keep us attuned to what RP is doing this summer, as there are many ways to engage in Gospel work and grow in Christlikeness within the church schedule and rhythms. RP's next Park in the Park is this Sunday, Soccer Camp starts July 10th, the next Night Church is July 20th, and then our larger Park-Wide family will be gathering at Montrose Beach July 21st, for Park's annual Summer Celebration   Read More